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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. BinkyLouie

    scab on rabbits nose

    Hi guys, been a while since I’ve posted a question here. So basically, I found a little scab on my baby’s nose. I took a photo and I was wondering if it was something concerning. I had taken him to the vet a while back and they said all was good I brought up that he had some dry skin on his back...
  2. BinkyLouie

    First time rabbit owner - Question about breed!

    Your rabbit is very unique. Beautiful too. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the answer you look for but I know that angora rabbits can have floppy ears. I look forward to knowing what type of breed he is if someone figures it out. How is it having your rabbit? You’ll love this website there a lot...
  3. BinkyLouie

    Advantage for rabbits

    Alright sounds good! Thanks a lot.
  4. BinkyLouie

    Advantage for rabbits

    When I call the vet should I mention it is for my rabbit?
  5. BinkyLouie

    Advantage for rabbits

    Sounds good.. do I have to make an appointment with them for them to approve the medication at all or can I do like you said about just requesting it and picking it up? Also what are the side effects? Is it like really bad that it COULD kill my rabbit or something equivalent? I do have a vet I...
  6. BinkyLouie

    Advantage for rabbits

    Also is there any difference between those advantage treatment and this advantage treatment?
  7. BinkyLouie

    Advantage for rabbits

    Hi guys, I live in the US and I’ve posted another threat about revolution but I noticed I just do not have enough funds to buy revolution for my rabbit since I have to take him to the vet to get it prescribed. I also notice there is a lack of exotic veterinarians here where I live so that’s...
  8. BinkyLouie

    Revolution for rabbits

    Oh okay. Is any form of revolution okay for rabbit use? Like dog and cat? As long as the mg/kg dosage is ok for the weight
  9. BinkyLouie

    Revolution for rabbits

    Hi guys, so I wanna get a flea treatment for my rabbit louie. He’s a small rabbit weighs about 4-5 pounds could be a little heavier like 6 I would have to weigh him again but for now that’s what I assume he is since that is how much he weighed the last time I did it. I know revolution is safe...
  10. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate I think a whole potato today and yesterday

    The amount of things he does that wow’s me is astonishing haha. What would I do without him! Here’s a pic of him now in his favorite spot 😊
  11. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate I think a whole potato today and yesterday

    He’s doing good. No issues at all thanks guys
  12. BinkyLouie

    What baby gas drops are okay for rabbits for an emergency kit?

    Hi guys, I’ve decided to create an emergency kit for my rabbit. I know baby gas drops are safe for rabbits but which ones? I found these and I was wondering if it would be ok to buy them. What else would be good to add?
  13. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate I think a whole potato today and yesterday

    So my parents love to have the potatoes on the floor in the kitchen. I always remove it and there’s been a couple times where he takes a nip but I remove it as soon as I see him but this time since I’ve been busy I can’t always see what he gets to. I saw him bite some potato yesterday and there...
  14. BinkyLouie

    What’s the best flea treatment that’s safe for rabbits?

    Thank you for responding. I would like to use revolution but it seems very expensive and I’m not sure whether my parents would wanna pay that much for a flea treatment.. If I do manage to get it then which one is the one I’m supposed to get? And how harmful is advantage II? You know what...
  15. BinkyLouie

    What’s the best flea treatment that’s safe for rabbits?

    Found this.. is this safe? I just wanna add louie is not above 5 pounds. He’s around 4 pounds maybe even 5 but I would have to weigh him. How would I know the proper measurements?