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  1. FantasyFanVII

    3 bunns about to be rescued

    Make sure they get their RHDV2 vaccines. The virus has been found in Wyoming. Although, I'm not sure if it's been in Casper specifically.
  2. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    Final update: The pens have been removed and the twins are living together 24/7. It's been since Saturday morning and I've had no issues. Well except Rin getting under the bed through a weak spot exposed after the pens were removed 🙄 Thank you again for all your help.
  3. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    Update: it's been an interesting, but productive, last couple days. I wasn't able to let them out together Friday morning, so I let them out in the evening planning to do a long session. I made the decision to leave both pens open. My reasoning was I didn't want to cut them off from...
  4. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    Update: I know I said no more litterbox talk, but I felt bad and wanted to give a more satisfactory ending. The twins both refused to eat out of the hay bags at all, so I gave up and the boxes have been changed to these. Not exactly pretty, but oh well. Now seriously, back to bonding 😜 In all...
  5. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    Got today's session recorded. I started the recording immediately after letting them out and ended immediately before penning them. No audio beyond me shuffling around. You can tell them apart by their faces. Rin has symmetrical white markings on both cheeks. Len has a line with only one...
  6. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    I'm going to try the bags to see how they go. Logic being I have them, I may as well try them. If I don't see increased hay consumption in a week, I'll try putting the hay in the box. I may also make a new thread dedicated to my literbox setup in the future. This has offcially gotten off topic...
  7. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    Oh yeah pictures might help. Although honestly I'm not too keen to share. I know it's not the best. Ex. The pens are too small IMO. It's just the best I could do and I figured it'd be ok since it's only temporary. Before you ask, I know the hay racks aren't the best. They're just all I found...
  8. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    Update for anyone curious: I decided to continue with the bonding and see how it went. I followed advice and am now closing pen doors when they're both out. I'm also keeping sessions to 20-30 minutes max. Len has settled down believe it or not. He's stopped grunting and rarely humps. Guess...
  9. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    Wasn't sure if I should revive this or start a new thread. Since this has all my background and I don't want to repeat it, I'm just replying here. Sorry if I shouldn't have. So I've ultimately decided to just bond the twins and leave Piko out of it. I think it'll ultimately be too stressful for...
  10. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    Thanks for the replies. Of course, now I've gotten 3 different replies across 2 forums all saying different things. Ugh idk anymore. To add extra context on the rabbits' personalities: Rin and Piko both appear to have dominant personalities so I'm afraid they'd clash. I'm not sure about Len...
  11. FantasyFanVII

    Advice on bonding a trio

    This will be a bit long, so bare with me. I have one old rabbit (Piko M, 11 years in February) and on October 14th acquired two young rabbits (Len M/Rin F, 5 months now) to be his companions for the rest of his life. I know the age difference isn't ideal, but long story short it just worked out...
  12. FantasyFanVII

    Piko, Len, and Rin

    I have 3 rabbits. Piko, almost 11 year old male, and the twins Len (male) and Rin (female) who are almost 6 months. All are spayed/neutered. Piko is a rex mix and Len/Rin are dutchs. I've had Piko for almost his full 11 years and the twins since October 14th.
  13. FantasyFanVII

    Hello All

    Hello everyone and Happy New Year! I joined because I wanted some advice on something, but I'm sure I'll hang around and have fun with you all. I have 3 rabbits named Piko, Len, and Rin. I also have a cat named Yuma and 5 fish tanks.