Goodbye My Little Old Man

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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Our last little Zebra Finch passed away sometime last evening. He was a happy, noisy little bird and we'll really miss him. We used to call him "Methusaleh" as he would have been 14 years old this March--he lived more than 3 times as long as his parents and sisters. We watched him work his way out of his egg on Easter day, 1999. Watching TV won't be the same as any bell or cell phone on TV would set him off or if you whistled, he'd answer. Good bye my sweet little birdy boy, rest in peace.
Rest in peace sweet bun. Thank you for giving him a long, happy life with lots of love. Binky free :bunny5

Edit: I'm so dumb, didn't even clue in to the fact that this is about a bird, not a bun. Regardless - I'm sorry for your loss.
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Aww.. sorry to hear.
We had zebra finches (but never for 14 years!).

Have you seen the Gouldian finch? I think they are so beautifully colored. I never had one, but my Mom did.
So sorry for your loss......

I just lost one of my tiels last week, very unexpected : ( Her cage mate is just devastated.
Awwww, I love little zebras! The little beeping sound is adorable. 14 years is incredible!

Soar high into heaven tiny bird :pray:
I am getting a new cage--just ordered it. We thought 14 years was remarkable as all the others went between 4 to 5 years. Never heard of a Gouldian as we only got that one pair 18 years ago, but we did love all the noises--they are such happy little birdies. Probably look at birdies next week. Sure do miss our little man.
Went looking today at Petsmart but their selection sucked. Will try elsewhere. Also, the info about Zebra's said they live 5 years on average so our little guy was really remarkable.
:mad: Still haven't gotten another. The PetsMart near us sucks and the Petco is even worse. I want to get a male and all they had each time is one or two females--did see some neat Diamond Doves, but they'd need a much larger enclosure. We still miss you and all your happy sounds my little man.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy to say good bye. I'm sure he was a happy bunny and had a wonderful lifetime with you.

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